The ResourceLinC Team - Principals |
Developing an African Specific eHealth, HIV/ AIDS Prevention, Education and Awareness Training and Economic/ Skills Development programs using ICT
As a principal with ResourceLinC, James has extensive experience and expertise in the information technology field. Working for companies like AT&T, Lucent Technologies, NCR, Digital Equipment Corporation and Compaq, he brings a strong background of working with education, local, state and federal governments both in the United States as well as Africa and other international companies.
As a principal member of this company that has developed, delivered and managed computer, telecommunication and integrated application installations globally. ResourceLinC offers a vast array of solutions based on the industry leading Hewlett Packard platform.
ResourceLinC’s distinct ability to deliver IT solutions with attractive financing packages enables it to offer one of the most complete solutions available.
As members of prestigious organizations such as:
* The Corporate Council on Africa * Constituency For Africa * Global Business Coalition for HIV and AIDS * G8 Digital Opportunity Taskforce for ICT in Healthcare * UN Taskforce for ICT in Healthcare,
* Team Pennsylvania * Board member of the Philadelphia African American Chamber of Commerce,
ResourceLinC is anxious to help develop trade opportunities, economic development, poverty reduction, skills development, eHealth and humanitarian projects between organizations in Africa and the United States.
James was nominated, selected and awarded membership in the International Who’s Who for Information Technology, the United States Department of Defense Telemedicine Advanced Research Technology Center's Advance Distributed Learning Committee and the United Nations Uniform Services Task Force because of his first class and leading edge solutions.
Information Technology Recruiting for Permanent/ Contract Professionals and Project Management:
As a principal member of this company, Pennie is a seasoned Recruitment Solutions / Human Capital Management Consultant and Project Manager that has in excess of 20 years of recruiting, capacity building, team building and identifying/ assembling the best talent available within the respective requirements.
Pennie specializes in current state gap analysis, leading practice competitive talent market analysis, and optimization of corporate talent acquisition processes, technologies and sourcing strategies. Her objective of being results oriented specializing in resource and project management services with experience working in the United States and internationally includes completing assignments in challenging environments and with limited resources. She has successfully completed projects with the private sector and well as African militaries.
Pennie has been consistently recognized for her unique, effective approach of bringing on-board the most appropriate skill set. Her commitment, drive, and integrity are second to none in a field where there is a tremendous need but an absence of personnel educated in international and culturally appropriate training for information dissemination.
ResourceLinC’s clients over the years have included several Fortune 500 Clients as well as many emerging companies both nationally and internationally. Her network of contacts is comprehensive, global, and has resulted in the global recognition and success of ResourceLinC and its partners.
The ResourceLinC business model is in line with the successful business models of companies like KPMG, PricewaterhouseCoopers, EDS, Deloitte and Touché and etc.
ResourceLinC’s experience in applying technological information and telecommunications technology solutions to maximize effectiveness is blended nicely with the ability and relationships to locate, partner and deliver a single unified solution.
HIV/ AIDS & Telehealth Advisors |
Henry L. Edington, M.D.
Henry L. Edington, Jr., M.D., is Founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of EMG-Africa, LLC.
Dr. Edington is a leading orthopedic surgeon and President of the Edington Medical Group with the offices throughout California and oversees the implementation of strategic goals and objectives of EMG-Africa. Dr. Edington provides the direction and leadership toward the achievement of the company's philosophy, mission, strategy, and its annual goals and objectives.
EMG-Africa has assembled a leadership team of seasoned and creative professionals in medical systems architecture, computer sciences, and medical technology; the goal is to establish sustainable health care delivery systems throughout Africa using Medical Informatics, Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
Health informatics or medical informatics is the intersection of information science, medicine and health care. It deals with the resources, devices and methods required to optimize the acquisition, storage, retrieval and use of information in health and biomedicine. Health informatics tools include not only computers but also clinical guidelines, formal medical terminologies, and information and communication systems.
Dr. James Hoxie - Director Center For AIDS Research |
| Director: James A. Hoxie, M.D.
Dr. James A. Hoxie earned a B.A. in Biology from Wesleyan University in 1972 and an M.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1976. He did an internship and residency in Internal Medicine at Rhode Island Hospital. Dr. Hoxie came to Penn in 1979 as a fellow in Hematology-Oncology at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. He rose through the ranks to become Professor of Medicine in 1997.
Dr. Hoxie has an extensive background in HIV-related research in the areas of virology and pathogenesis, and viral entry. His CV of over 160 publications lists over 100 publications dealing with HIV or AIDS. Dr. Hoxie has been PI of one or more NIH HIV/AIDS-related grants since 1986 and has served on several NIH AIDS Study Sections since 1985. He is an attending on the Oncology Unit at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, where he specializes in medical aspects of leukemia therapy and bone marrow transplantation.
Dr. Hoxie is an Associate Editor of the Annual Review of Medicine and is on the Editorial Boards of the Journal of Virology, Virology, and AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses
Dr. Kenneth Chanda - President Zambia Telehealth Project & Republic of Zambia : National Telehealth/ Telemedicine Steering Committee Coordinator:
The major objective of the Zambia Telehealth Project is to create centers of excellence across the Republic of Zambia and to share the vision of the Africa Telehealth Project. Dr Oryema Johnson was and is the Africa Telehealth Health Project Director. Therefore from that time to date Zambia Telehealth Project has recruited a number of medical doctors, nurses, health information scientists, Information Technologists, medical librarians, radiographers from Lusaka and Copperbelt.
The Project desires to compliment the efforts of the Ministry of Health and the Central Board of Zambia in the provision of health care services in Zambia with special emphasis on eConsultation and distance learning. It is against this background that the Zambia Telehealth tries to use the existing infrastructure such as health centers, colleges and universities.
The Zambian chapter as a "Strategic Alliance Partner" with ResourceLinC will use a number of portals to expand telehealth activities and telemedafrica moderated by Dr Henry Edington and EMG--Africa who will be spearheading spearheading the direction as indicated bellow.
In countries where distances between health workers and vast, transport is inefficient or not available, health care providers are few and workload on them are high. Telemedicine can serve to bridge the distance gap. Transport inefficiency and time shortage for meetings and consultations. In Zambia, Telemedicine services will certainly benefit both Patients and health workers. A project, which has been under development for the past 20 years, is due to yield the above fruits of Telemedicine in 3 steps.
The project will provide provision of patient care and consultations to junior heath workers and HIV/AIDS patients at Hospices and in Lusaka. Initially, communication will be some using citizen Band Radio and later will be followed by automated answering of consultation using an interrelation database system.
Kearston Ingraham, MPH - Director for International Strategic Resource Development - Biobehavioral Health Specialist
Kearston served as the Director for International Strategic Resource Development - Biobehavioral Health Specialist, providing mission critical management, training, and versight of the 12 Defence Force Trainers who in turn were responsible for delivering a comprehensive HIV/ AIDS Awareness, Education and Prevention Program in a manner that ensured consistency of information to all members of the 3,000 + military personnel in the Republic of Botswana and Republic of Malawi Defence Forces.
With degrees in Biobehavioral Health, African Studies and a Masters of Public Health in International, Kearston served as the ResourceLinC Biobehavioral Health Research Specialist.
Kearston has contributed her experience and expertise as a valued member of the ResourceLinC team as we developed and delivered a leading edge ICT-based HIV/ AIDS Education, Awareness and Prevention program for the Republic of Botswana Defence Force initially and a subsequent program in the following year for the Republic of Malawi Defence Force.
Kearston’s years of combined International Public Health education at the Tulane University School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine Department of International Health and Development and her experience and international travels has resulted in successful deliverables.
Kearston’s international experience and global outreach in program and project management has been delivered and internationally recognized in countries such as the United States, Jamaica, and Ireland as well as Botswana and Malawi,.
Her deliverables has served as the basis for a better understanding of how to best address the challenges of international healthcare, international healthcare administration, and the necessary tools to develop and successfully deliver healthcare solutions via behavioral change programs, accuracy, education quality and cultural sensitivity.
Kearston's skills have greatly enhanced the global recognition and creditability of the ResourceLinC program success.
Her advanced knowledge and hands on experience with various HIV/ AIDS, STD Units and Voluntary Counseling and Testing personnel to assess the type of education, prevention and awareness program gaps provided insight and knowledge in order to develop effective behavioral change interventions.
Dr. F. James Levinson, PhD Professor Emeritus, Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy - Tuft's University
Director of the International Food and Nutrition Center
Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics and Nutrition, Cornell University
Research Interests: Design of monitoring and evaluation systems for nutrition projects in developing countries, studies on the effectiveness of nutrition interventions addressing child growth, pregnancy outcomes and adolescent girls; studies on the effect of income generating activities on household food security and nutritional status.
Select Publications:
Iqbal Kabir AFM, Levinson J. Bangladesh: breaking the malnutrition barrier: key to development. Dhaka: University Press, 2000.
Levinson FJ, Mehra S, Levinson D, Chauhan AK, Koppe G, Bence B, Almedom AM. Morinda revisited: changes in nutritional well-being and gender differences after 30 years of rapid economic growth in rural Punjab India. Food Nutr Bull 2004;25:221-7.
Karim R, Levinson FJ. Monitoring and evaluation of the Bangladesh Integrated Nutrition Project. Asia Pac J Rural Dev 2003;13:1-12.
Ortolano S, Mahmud Z, Kabir AFM, Levinson FJ. Facilitating healthy pregnancies in the Bangladesh Integrated Nutrition Project: the effect of targeted food supply and services on pregnancy outcomes. J Health Popul Nutr 2003:21:83-9.
Levinson FJ, Rogers BL, Hicks KM, Schaetzel T, Troy L, Young C. Monitoring and evaluation of nutrition programs in developing countries. Nut Rev 1999;57:157-64.
Dr. Prudencia L. Mweemba, MSc, PhD - Professor University of Zambia. School of Medicine - Department of Post Basic Nursing
“As a Professor and Lecturer at the University of Zambia, Prudencia has consistently demonstration the highest level of commitment to women and children. “
Prudencia has provided health care for orphans, elderly, and widows, especially those with HIV/AIDS and their families, and provided health information to girls through community-oriented organizations.
She has organized "Health Promotion Activities" to reach women and children in the market place, including mobilizing a children's clinic, providing literature to women on family planning and on HIV/AIDS prevention. Prudencia; efforts has resulted in the development of the only Master of Science in Nursing program in Zambia and the first research project entitled "Knowledge, attitude and practices of adolescent mothers towards baby care.¨
Contributed to establishment of Zambia Journal of Nursing and Midwifery.
Having successfully completed her PhD at the Kent State University in Ohio it is her intention to return to the Republic of Zambia and the University of Zambia assuming her roles of lecturing, clinical teaching, student supervision and counseling, mentorship and research supervision.
There is a dire need to design and implement programs to train nurses (75% are women) and other medical staff to improve health care standards and to address the shortage of qualified nurses (nurse shortage of 48%; 16% of nurses are HIV+) and to further strengthen a professional network at Kent State University to collaborate on future programs to promote health care in Zambia as the investment in her advanced education will be a major asset to a country with so few nurses prepared with advanced degrees.
Director, Center for Communication Programs - Johns Hopkins University - Bloomberg School of Public Health
Health, Behavior and Society; Health communication; program evaluation; reproductive health; family planning; Guatemala
Elected to Delta Omega, national honorary public health society, in May 1981.
Received Dean's teaching incentive awards in 1994 and 1995 (based on course evaluations) at Tulane University.
Received the Tulane President’s Office Employee Scholarship for the Executive MBA Program (January 2000-August 2001).
Received “Champion of Public Health” Award, Tulane, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, October 2001.
Received the Marjorie Horn Operations Research Award, November 2007, from the Office of Population and Reproductive Health, USAID.
Bertrand, Jane T, David Holtgrave, and Amy Gregowski. (In press 2008) “Program Evaluation of HIV Prevention Programs in the United States and Developing Countries.” In Kenneth Mayer and Hank Pizer (eds.), HIV Prevention. London: Academic Press.
Bertrand, Jane T. (2008), entry on “Program Evaluation” in the International Encyclopedia of Communication, Blackwell Publishing. The International Encyclopedia of Communication (ed. Donsbach), Wiley-Blackwell (Oxford, UK and Malden, MA).
Brambila, Carlos; Emma Ottolenghi; Celeste Marin; Jane T. Bertrand. 2007. “Getting results used: evidence from reproductive health programmatic research in Guatemala.” Health Policy and Planning. 22(4):234-245.
Seiber, Eric, Jane T. Bertrand, and Tara Sullivan, (2007), “Changes in Contraceptive Method Mix in Developing Countries.” International Family Planning Perspectives, 33(3):111-123.
Santiso-Gálvez, Roberto and Jane T. Bertrand. 2007. “Guatemala: The Pioneering Days of the Family Planning Revolution.” In The Global Family Planning Revolution, ed. Warren C. Robinson and John A. Ross, 137-54. Washington, DC: The World Bank.
Journal of Health Communication Special Issue on Cost Effectiveness Analysis. Guest Editors: Jane T. Bertrand, Paul Hutchinson. UK: Taylor & Francis, September 2006. Vol 11, Supplement 2.
Bertrand, J.T., K. O’Reilly, J. Denison, R. Anhang, and M. Sweat. 2006. Systematic review of the effectiveness of mass communication programs to change HIV/AIDS-related behaviors in developing countries. Health Education Research 21:567-597.
Bertrand, J.T. and R. Anhang, 2006. The Effectiveness of Mass Media to Change HIV/AIDS-related behavior among young people in developing countries. In Preventing HIV/AIDS in Young People: A Systematic Review of the Evidence from Developing Countries. Ross, D, Dick, B. and Ferguson, J. (eds) pp.205-241. World Health Organization. Technical Report Series no. 938.
Sullivan, T.M., J.T. Bertrand, J. Rice, and J.D. Shelton. 2006. Skewed Contraceptive Method Mix: why it happens, why it matters. Journal of Biosocial Science, 38(4): 501-521.
Mills, Samuel and Jane T. Bertrand, 2005. Use of Health Professionals for Obstetric Care in Northern Ghana. Studies in Family Planning 36(1): 45-56.
McKee, Neill, J.T. Bertrand, and A. Becker. 2004. Strategic Communication in the HIV/AIDS Epidemic. New Delhi: Sage Publications.
Santiso-Galvez, Roberto and Jane T. Bertrand, 2004. The Delayed Contraceptive Revolution in Guatemala. Human Organization 63(1): 57-67.
Bertrand, Jane T., 2004. Diffusion of Innovations and HIV/AIDS. Journal of Health Communication 9: 113-121.
Seiber, Eric, and Jane T. Bertrand, June 2002, “Access as a factor in differential contraceptive use between Mayans and ladinos in Guatemala.” Health Policy and Planning, 17(2).
Bibbi Stokes. LPN
Bibbi is licensed practical nurse and member of the Association for Nurses in AIDS Care (Nominations Committee Chairperson) where she is the nurse responsible for educating patients on Fuzeon through the Nurse Connections program in the northeast region of the United States.
Bibbi’s passion, experience and training expertise in helping HIV+ patients and trainers plus her extensive background in HIV/AIDS has been a tremendous value to the ResourceLinC efforts and success.
Bibbi’s 20 years of experience as a volunteer for HIV/AIDS organizations and causes such as the AIDS Coalition of Southern New Jersey (ACSNJ) where she served as a Program Coordinator, serving as the coordinator for various programs such as speakers’ bureau, support groups, resource center management and volunteer coordination and the founder of the AIDS Interfaith Ministry (AIM) as a program of ACSNJ. Bibbi served as a training consultant, coordinating conferences and facilitating workshops for the New Jersey Department of Health when they launched a Faith-Based Initiative Program to houses of worship throughout the state in addition to the time she spent with ResourceLinC as a consultant in a capacity where she served as our HIV Specialist training the HIV/ AIDS trainers of the Defence Forces of the Republic of Botswana and Malawi, and assisted in the development of policy, procedure and peer leadership manuals.